Compost Site

The City of Lamberton maintains a brush and compost disposal site under a permit from the MN DNR.The site is located ½ mile east of Lamberton on the Township Road following the railroad tracks.
- The Compost Site is for Lamberton resident use only.
- Seasonal hours of operation during which time the site shall be open during daylight hours and monitored by camera.
Normal Compost Site Hours
Daily; Daylight hours
- A sign is posted at the site which defines acceptable material (trees, brush, leaves, garden plants and grass clippings) and that all other material (including garbage, lumber, paper, cardboard and furniture) is prohibited.
- The dumping of garbage and the starting of fires by unauthorized personnel are misdemeanors, punishable by fines up to $1,000 and/or up to 90 days in jail.
Fine material that can be composted (grass clippings, leaves and garden plant residue) shall be separated from the woody material. The city will have areas marked for different materials.
The City operates this site under a DNR permit. Violations of the rules will result in the site being closed.